How it works

Step by step guide to your tailored nutrition expert

Your AI powered expert in just a few easy steps

Sign up & answer questions

To build your personalised AI assistant, we need to know a few bits about you. We'll ask for things like your current activity level, your likes and dislikes and your health and nutrition goals. The more details you provide in your answers, the more tailored your AI assistant.

Choose a payment method

We have a very simple subscription model. For £4.99 a month, you get unlimited WhatsApp access to your personal nutrition assistant. Cancel any time.

See Pricing
Start WhatsApping

It will only take a few seconds for DesignMyDiet's AI assistant to get in touch. Make sure you've entered the correct mobile number otherwise you may not receive the messages!

Chat, cook, eat, repeat!

Chat as much or as little as you need!

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Let's Go!

Need more help?

Frequently asked questions


How is my personalized nutrition plan created?
What if I have food allergies or dietary restrictions?
How do I access my meal plan and recipes?
Can I update my preferences after I receive my plan?